Targeting An Audience

Targeting An Audience

Most people believe that spamming everyone’s email or making a catchy reel is targeting an audience. The truth is all content or emails that go to an unwanted email address are blocked or reported. In most cases, the email is never to be seen because many emails end up in a spam folder, ultimately emptied by the select all process of deletion and never read. On social media, people can be more judgmental and become Ad blind. It is also super easy to block or request not to recommend the post from the social media user. Not to mention people can mute posts as well. No worries though there is a solution to the bombardment of people ignoring Ads and content. By targeting an audience.

Targeting an audience is much more intricate than seeing an unwanted Ad. Suppose you accidentally pressed on an Ad or searched for the wrong website a Google algorithm will proceed to send Ads through any online resource you use. If a business targets a particular group of people the business will most likely get more successful results on purpose over the many people pressing on Ads inadvertently or going to the wrong website and pressing ok to be tracked by cookies.

A targeted audience is content catered specifically to a particular group of people who are fanatics about the service or product.

How to target an audience

You may believe that targeting an audience can only be done online using Ads. There are many ways to target an audience. I believe using online Ads is best for the younger group of people who are constantly using online platforms. When you think about the audience you want to target a couple of factors are most important such as age, gender, and how they consume information. I would like you to think about this for a moment. If you target a female of the age of 65 who lives in Hawaii, how would you target her online if she doesn’t have a computer or uses her phone to scroll through hours of content online? Also, think about what you may be offering the audience. If you are selling T-Shirts for instance would you only choose people who live in warm areas or both? This is why targeting an audience is better than going off on a whim and sending unwanted information.

Ways to target an audience:

A. Use online Ad resources
B. Use flyers
C. Make postcards
D. Word of mouth
E. Write an article
F. Display a picture
G. Provide information needed to know
H. Create social media content
I.  Make a website with a blog
J.  Publish a video

I would like to add that many people like to use job boards to target a certain audience, and I wouldn’t recommend doing that if you are a business that is making money from selling products and services. The reason for a job board is to find companies looking for people that are looking for a job to become an employee. They are not looking to buy anything or have to come up with monies just to start a job, so please keep it in mind that if you’re one of those persons that feel as though using a job board to promote, your business is the best thing to do to target an audience think about it first. In my experience, it is better not to do that because persons feel like they are being spammed or tricked out of getting a job position that they thought they would be best qualified for compared to all of the other real job positions that they may not have a lot of experience doing.

Remember that when you are targeting an audience, you are specifically choosing a group of people more likely to use your service or product because they love them. The pro’s at the game of marketing like to use online analytics paid email and social media marketing that usually sends any and every one an Ad that doesn’t pertain to that person’s interest. The best way to target an audience is to appeal to those person’s interests. It is good to use google or Facebook analytics if you want to know the race, age, geographic area, and so forth, but moreover, I began to think that using common sense helps because when using the analytic tools you are inputting the information for the computer to generate what you have already figured out on your own. Computers are only as smart as the person inputting the data. Basically, all the data you put into social media management software is what the algorithm starts to target, making you believe the data stored in the Ad is the audience the business should be targeting.

How to appeal to someone’s interest

The best marketing tool to appeal to someone’s interest is sight because most people are visually interested and sound because people feel most of there emotions through sound. In order to get these tools in front of people social media is the best option unless you are going to make a commercial like that deodorant commercial that is more than just for your under arms and those sock commercials that help the less fortunate if you buy a sock. If you are a writer like me tone of voice matters.

When using the social media tools the simplest way to go about it is to use a video with voice over along with music or with moving words on the screen also making small how to video tutorial are most helpful because they help people learn something they did not know or wanted to know about your business which appeals to interest over all.

Things to consider when Targeting an audience:

What do you want the audience to know about your product or service and what kind of statement are you trying to make? Create a movement with the information that you believe your target audience will resonate with. Understand that the message you want to tell the customer about your business services is not about you. The words that you use cannot be something that you are selling. Think about what makes you like your favorite product and service and why you would recommend the business to others.

You should have a persona

A persona is taught to be mostly all the information you input into the computer analytics on Facebook or Google Ads. You should think of a persona as the face of your business. You want people to see and like your services and products since no one can see the analytics if you choose to use media management software. The content you create should attract people to your wonder style of swagger.

Other Ways To Target An Audience

Get Noticed

Using analytics is all fine, but who even sees the analytics that you input into the system Everyone has their own personal way of being noticed think about what that is for you and what can you do to be seen so that you can target people that are fanatics about your service and product

If you want to use social media analytics management to create an ad, you can do that as well if you feel that you’re very good at it however, you still want to do something that will make people o take notice and attract them to want to know more about you and what you do.

Be Picky

Look to see if this person likes the same things that coincide with your business. If it seems like that person is not interested in a product or service that you sell do not try and target that person, and now I know you’re going to be asking, how would you know if that person would be interested in the services you sell? You know because you specifically targeted that person. For instance I like writing so I decided to start a blog to monetize to make money, I go online and search for everyone who is into writing, blogging and making money online. This is a win cold selling happens because sometimes although a person may seem that they will like what you’re selling they may not be interested at all.

Introduce Yourself

Some people like more they want to know that you are a real business. If you have a social media account I recommend taking time out to comment on other persons, social media posts but be very selective because remember you are targeting a specific group of people that are more likely to purchase the product or service that you’re selling and it would be awesome if they actually followed you back because now you are not spamming anyone this person actually wants you to bother them. A comment can be as simple as recognizing with a like.


Last, but not least ask. It is nothing wrong with simply asking for something. I cannot tell you how quickly you’ll find an answer to something when you just ask someone a question. They will tell you more information then you need to know and you often times are able to find out that they are interested in your business in what you are selling and will help you beyond how well you are able to help yourself.

Targeting an audience involves using analytic tools and other online and offline media options to find fanatic consumers. It is worth it in the end compared to a full day of being set aside. Who wants to have an account of fake followers ridiculing you and posting negative content on your website? A targeted audience will be waiting for your next idea. Please be advised that all the things that the seemingly successful people tell you not to do when trying to become successful by making money online is important and it does matter, so do them