Squeeze Pages Or Landing Pages

Once you have decided to enter the marketing world, you will hear about two significant but similar internet pages, a Squeeze page, and a Landing page. It is said that these types of marketing pages will put online business sales on autopilot. These pages help answer the questions why for buyers. From experience, no one is going to buy anything from your company because you told them to. Having online marketing tools that highlight company values are how people see your company as reputable. Most people do not know the difference between a landing page and a squeeze page or a website for that matter, but each one of them is used for a purpose. A website is used for education, news, social networking, entertainment, e-commerce, and hyperlinking between web pages.

A Landing page uses copywriting to get people to purchase a product from a company. A squeeze page differs because it provokes a potential lead to subscribe to an offer by convincing them to leave their phone number and email address. Both a squeeze page and landing page end with a call to action. Many people couple these pages with social media accounts to gain awareness and presence as an online business. Some marketing professionals believe that only having one of these pages is all you need to succeed. I think that as an innovative entrepreneur, you should do your research. Sometimes these types of pages are used to scam people out of their money. Do not let this deter you from using them. People are not blind to the reality that the internet is being used dishonestly. A best practice when using these pages is to add to what is already transparent about a business and when you want to advertise something about an online company.

Squeeze Page

Squeeze pages are primarily used to convince someone to subscribe to something by using offers that are valuable to the person reading the content. If the person leaves their information, this gives the company the ok to contact them through email or social media. If the buyer is interested and takes the call to action seriously, they will be taken to the offer to buy it or get it for free.
When a squeeze page is represented online, it will have a headline to get the person reading the content attention. It will also have a form to gather information such as their email, telephone number, or any other information needed depending on the offer. The page also will have some valuable material about why the person should leave their contact info. Let’s not forget the call to action. The form on a squeeze page is not the call to action. The call to action will be a button with a link behind it that leads the person to the offer. Squeeze pages are a quick read with valuable information about a service or product to persuade people to leave their contact information.

Parts that make up a squeeze page:

  1. A headline that will grab the attention of the person reading it.
  2. Excellent copywriting that illustrates the benefits of the product or service.
  3. A clear image of the product or service that the business is selling
  4. A straightforward form that lets the client choose to leave their email or other information that is needed.
  5. A short but convincing call to action link with a small phrase or a button with no more than two words.

Landing Page

Although a landing page seems to mimic a squeeze page, it is much more intensive than using a squeeze page. A landing page is an extinction to what your business website is. A landing page, however, is a stand-alone page that explains the value of your business along with any product or service you are selling using copywriting. The landing page tells the buyers why they want to buy from your business and helps your business grow. A squeeze page expands a list of contacts to market your business using the information provided by the person who subscribes on the squeeze page, which gives you the go-ahead to send them information about your company.

There are two types of landing pages a short-form and a long-form Landing page. Long-form landing pages are great when you are trying to build trust and when there is a need to explain something to educate the person reading it. Short-form landing pages, which are confused with squeeze pages, are great when it is imperative to get the point across without being too vague.

Parts that make up a short-form landing page are:

  1. A headline that is a benefit statement
  2. It has one offer written to convince the buyer to take a call to action
  3. The copywriting is simple and understanding
  4. The content motivates the buyer to take action
  5. Short-form pages talk about the value of the company and what is offered
  6. Long-form Landing Pages have eleven parts. These parts include:
  7. The headline should include why the client should buy the product or service
  8. A subheadline that tells the buyer what they are buying
  9. Images of the product or service that’s being sold
  10. A video that helps keep the attention of the buyer
  11. Copywriting that explains the value and benefits of the product in an educational way
  12. A call to action that is a button that prompts the buyer to purchase the product or service
  13. It Explains the cool factor of the service and product.

Using Social Media

I am an advocate against spamming. Using a squeeze page or landing page is better than sending spammy emails that get unsubscribed to, marked as phishing, or blocked to attract buyers is not a good marketing practice. I am not saying using email marketing is not the best marketing tool that ever existed, but not without permission. I have so many spam emails from people who believe if people can see what they are offering, they will suddenly buy. If that were the case, online marketing tools would not exist. Coupling squeeze pages or landing pages with social media helps end the guesswork about who the audience is. The pages narrow down the fanatic and the not-so-interested purchasers.

Creating a squeeze page or landing page for a business is more helpful to the company. Having a blog is significant too, but more people visit a landing page or squeeze page online before they will deliberately go to a business website and read the blog. It allows a business to continue to market to a person who has subscribed and to continue to market to the buyer in the future. Contacting a buyer after they have purchased once from your company builds a lasting relationship with that person. The more the company can stay in contact with the persons that have subscribed, the better a company will grow and gain a following as long as that company continues to produce valuable and beneficial offers. Landing pages are more helpful to a business than squeeze pages because it helps build awareness of the company. If you believe in first impressions, then the landing page is the first impression for a company. It tells people everything they need to know about the company.

Forms of Squeeze Pages

Two types of squeeze pages are used throughout the internet and one is a splash page, and the other is a pop-up page. The pop-up page is the big icon that shows up on a website when you try to leave the site or after you stay on the website for more than two seconds. These types of squeeze pages can become annoying. The other page is a splash page that is usually the first page on the main business website. It shows up before you can get to the actual website with an offer or other valuable and helpful information about the business.

Most Useful Types of Landing Pages

The most helpful landing page is the lead generating page. This type of page grabs people searching for a business service online and funnel them to a website to purchase items from the business. A sales landing page is great for making sales. An online business is not quite a business if it is not selling anything, so this page is the most useful of them all. It helps a company make sales online, and that is its primary function. A thank you landing page is mainly used with email marketing and after a buyer purchases using the landing page. This page is essential because people like to feel that they are appreciated.

Landing pages and squeeze pages can be created by using free and paid templates that you can find online. I do not recommend coding an entire page on your own. It can take months to get it right. If you are good at codding, then have at it. It is no reason to let your talent go to waste. I, on the other hand, prefer simplicity where ever I can find it. Before you decide to use a landing page and squeeze page, ensure you have a relevant website to back up the pages. The most important thing is to stay transparent.