How Hard Is It To Focus

Essentially, focus and discipline are alike. Each day differs, yet it stays the same. The changes throughout the recurring days depend on what decisions you make or create. What you decide to achieve the previous day will spill over to the next. Doing things that drive change in your life begins to take shape and build a foundation for the future. There is never going to be one without the other. Although we know that our life will be over, we still have an undeniable feeling to live forever. To have an equal balance takes focus.

The opposite of focusing is unfocusing. Don’t get your back up because it is not easy to focus. Primarily focusing is the boring part. It is like maintaining a clean three-hundred-thousand-room hotel by yourself, including the lobby, the kitchen, any other areas that need attention, and the unbearable part is when the trash needs to be dumped. The wonderful thing about focusing is that it can be done, and if executed correctly, you will find a balance in your life in the form of peace. You will never understand how you lived all that time and did not find it sooner. You would not want anyone or anything to take away your peace. Once you have mastered your world of focus, you will not want to go back.

You Are Born With Focus

People are born with gifts that only pertain to them. Some have what others may call useless skills because they cannot be used for useful knowledge. Many people have talents that can make them rich or make things easy for them regarding their work-life. Believe it, or not everyone knows stuff without ever having been taught or learned. I once read of a person who could retain all the information they learn without forgetting the knowledge over time. Do you believe that a person could be taught how to do that, or the person’s brain was set up like a computer by a scientist to retain data at birth? Focusing is more mental than physically done. Unlike being born with a gift, everyone can focus on one thing to master it.

It Is Hard To Focus

If you find it hard to focus, do not get frustrated, it is because you have never done it before. Focus takes retaining attention mentally on one task. Focusing takes shutting out the noise in the world around you and putting all your attention on one purpose. There are many ways to learn how to focus.

1. Gradually begin to focus on what you want to do over time. It is better to start learning to focus step by step over trying to make yourself focus all at once.

2. Shut out distractions. When you are focussing, you have to quiet your mind and the room around you. First, you can turn off any noise in the room. Over time once you have learned to focus better, you will block out the noise in the room mentally without turning the noise off physically.

3. Have willpower. To be able to focus on anything, you have to be focusing on something first. If you are not willing to get up and do what you need to focus on something, you cannot learn to focus.

4. Since being able to focus is mental, meditating is a factor to master focusing. Meditating helps stop as much thought in your mind as possible in order to focus on the one thing you want to focus on. You will never be able to stop all thinking in your mind.

5. Take time to learn to do your craft correctly by practicing it over and over till you can do it without thinking about it.

6. Teach your mind to be disciplined when it comes to the one thing that you need to do. It is easy to constantly put it off. You will never get better or faster at a craft by not focusing on it.

7. Play games that force you to focus on what you are doing to strengthen the ability to focus on things. Games are fun and help ease learning to focus.

8. Stay attentive. The ability to pay attention for long periods of time helps your mind to stay focused.

How to Stay Focused

There is more to staying focused than paying attention. To stay focused is to continue a project without putting it off. Force yourself to make time to focus on your project. This will train your mind over a short period of time. It does not take a long amount of time to teach yourself to focus. You already are programmed to. Use your mind to the best of its ability. You may never be able to levitate the tv remote across the room, but you can become a master at mental control. Do not attempt to focus on things if you are in a bad mood or to tired. Your mentality plays a big part in the way you focus. It is important to put more energy into what you are focusing for. Imagine thinking that you do not know why you are trying to focus, then that is exactly what you will train for mentally. You will know when you have mastered the ability to focus when it comes easy for you to do projects easier.

A Disciplined Mindset

Have you ever wanted to do something and after you have achieved the opportunity found out how hard it was to do it? Not realizing all the ups and downs a course will take you, but you also knew within yourself it would take discipline to finish the goal. There is a difference in not doing something because you realized it is not for you than quitting because of lack of discipline. As an adult, no one can make you become disciplined. The discipline will come by your own doing. What makes it difficult to self-discipline is the fact that you have to do it yourself. No one wants to do things that are hard for them or take up to much of their time. Discipline is the ability to hold yourself accountable for your failures and accomplishments.

How to discipline yourself:

1. Think about the goal you want to win. Knowing that you will not be at the same place forever once you have completed each step.

2. Be prepared and realize that you will have to do things that you do not like or want to do. Realize that all the long-drawn-out boredom will amount to everything you want.

3. Stop looking for reasons why you are not doing the things you need to do to get to the end of your goal. Do the hard things first.

4. Do not make disciplining yourself so difficult to the point that you give up. Putting too much on yourself all at once will become to much. Focusing on one thing and finishing it first.

5. Multitasking is when you have realized that you can do more than one thing at a time quicker than doing it one by one, but I am sure you know this; however, it takes discipline to do it correctly and focus to get it right.

6. Stop if you lose control of what you are doing on a chaotic day. Disciplining should not be shuffled it is done in an orderly way.

I will conclude by saying that focus and discipline will lead you to success. In one day your fictional straight line to victory will be drawn all over the place, but if you are able to stay focused and stay the course instead of quitting, a new door will reveal on your path. Disciplining yourself will allow you to play a new hand with the one new card you have been dealt. You may get multiple opportunities except you can only choose one.