Internetwork Educationist

In many ways, Internetwork Educationist is the same as everyone who is seeking a means to an end of working servitude. She is a fighter like all the women and men before her that wants a happy lifestyle without the every day tribulations. She is a person that knows it is more to life than living a life of another. parturient montes,

She believes people should benefit from their own hard work overtime, and to begin, you must start, Internetwork Educationist is a doer who advocates finding solutions to change.

I am a person who has released the entire part of myself that kept me in a negative place and started to make positive actions to live an entrepreneur lifestyle.

My philosophy

Begin to start making changes in yourself. All those negative thoughts about what can’t be done and what seems impossible to achieve with so little resources can be done. Start being positive and take things step by step toward a happy  lifestyle.

  •  Do Something About It
  •  Become Independent Of A Job
  •  Envision Your Happy Lifestyle

Nothing you need for yourself is going to be easy. It will never seem to be enough to be successful unless you do something about it. To know how to be successful, you must begin to start. All the support you need starts with you. Know that you are worth the struggle you will face.

Play The Cards Your’re Dealt To Get A Winning Hand!



An employee who is given the freedom to create new products or services that does not have to follow the usual routines and protocols. An Intrapreneur is the creative mind of a corporation.


A person who owns their own enterprise or corporate business. Entrepreneurs take unusually big risks and take their own initiative to achieve a money-making goal.

J.O.B (Just Over Broke)

Think of a job as seeding a skillset that will help you learn to gain a career in that skill, but the true goal is to reach financial freedom because a job will leave you just over broke if you are not on top of things.



The ability to motivate yourself and know that you can accomplish what you want no matter how it looks on the outside or how hard it gets, nor having an absolute plan rather knowing that you will find a way to make what you want to happen a reality.

  • Trying is doing.
  • You can do anything.

Happyness and Success

Positive thinking is the first start to a happy lifestyle. Many people are so negative towards everything so much that tthey do not realize their actions.

  • Stay positive at all costs.
  • Negativity will keep you from success.
  • Make positivity a habit in your life.