How Traditional Funnels Make Money Online

When it comes to entrepreneurs making money online, traditional paid ads, traffic generation, and conversion tracking are used to convert people into buyers. None of these techniques mentioned works unless there is a system. The only used method to create a successful online business is funnel creation.

The issue with a sales funnel is getting it to work for you. It only seems to work for the person advertising the system for purchase online. This does not mean that you should not use a sales funnel to make money online. The person selling the funnel is using the same method to gain interested buyers to purchase their funnel systems. I believe in the saying if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself.

Create a sales funnel that works for you. Making your sales funnel is not difficult, and you do not have to reinvent the wheel. All you need to do is research how to use a sales funnel within your best interest. All businesses are not the same, although the products or services are similar. When I first considered starting my own business for myself, I wanted it to be a business that I could do without being present each day.

I knew that if I decided to start a brick and mortar business, I would need to acquire the money I did not have. It would have cost a half-million dollars to start a successful brick and mortar business that I could be proud of.

In the second week, I knew that if I wanted to have a business without having to be there all the time, I needed an online store. My Dilemma was how to start making money online. There is no definite way to make money online. There is all types of ways to make money online, except what I did not know is the source of making money online and being successful at it. I knew if I could find consistency, I could be successful. I also knew that everything could not be done only the way I wanted. There had to be a universal law to being a successful entrepreneur online.

Each time I researched the topic, I noticed that a funnel system was the core of an online business. I realized the one tool that seemed to be consistent with online entrepreneurial success is creating a sales funnel. I also have learned that just buying into any already made sales funnel will not work for everyone. The best thing to do is to create a sales funnel that works with the products or services you want to promote. It takes thinking about what kind of product you are selling and how to get people interested in what you are selling.

Traditional funnel Systems

A sales funnel generates awareness of business products or services to help interested. people searching for specific items online that they desire to buy from a company result in a purchase of the merchandise.

How A Traditional Funnel System Works

Funnels are the background of online company success. A pipe takes online visitors to your website and helps them through the various steps to make a conversion. Traditional funnels have three stages. The first stage is getting people to notice your site. It is when a lead becomes aware of your service or products online. After the customer realizes your online service exists, the customer decides on what they are interested in buying from the list of products or services offered on the website and inquires more information about what your company has to offer. The last stage is the best because the person decides to buy the service or products provided by your company using a call to action. It is that simple awareness, information, and a call to action.

Your online companies ability to provide accurate and knowledgeable information for everyone that visits your website is the most critical part of using a funnel.

When creating a sales funnel, all the little factors have to be taken into account for the tube to succeed. Consider what makes the funnel system work for the online business you have. No two funnels are entirely alike, but all pipes function the same way to gain an outcome to sell services, whatever it may be. A tube can be as simple as giving someone a pamphlet with useful information about your business.

Different Types of Online funnel

Once you have decided on what kind of business you will market online, you will need to create a funnel that works with the type of business you have established. Before I explain how to create a funnel, I would like you to know the different types of funnels used for online business. This way, you can have an idea of how to make your funnel work for you and your online business. There are many kinds of online funnels created to find people that are interested in your industry. I will explain the difference between four types of funnels that are commonly used.

Sales Funnels

A sales funnel is used to find people that want to buy from your company. The funnel is made to take customers through a step-by-step buying process. The first step is making the person aware that you have a business that sells goods. This can be done on all levels. A store advertising dresses in a window helps people become mentally aware that they like or do not like what a business is offering. A website with pictures of women’s handbags is another way to make a business’s presents known. Sharing a pamphlet with useful information about your business sales is another way to get a customer to buy from your company.

Once the person knows about your online business and takes an interest, it is the business’s responsibility to provide more information about what is offered to get the customers to buy. Everyone is not going to buy right away they will make a decision later after they have researched more about your company.

To get the person to buy from your company you must gather information from the customer through using social media or a website. It is vitally important that you are not spamming anyone; so using attractive offers or creating engaging content is how you will maintain a buying relationship with people who have noticed your company online. Making content that people like will arouse them to leave information or like your business on social media. Your business can know to use the buyers’ information to attract them to purchase your service or product.

Once you have a following on social media channels you can begin to target people who are enthusiastic about your business to buy your services or products. The people you want to target is the persons that are fans of what you sale. As your business grows people who notice your business will change so you will have to also keep on top of who is in your funnel to continue to target fans of your business.

Marketing Funnel

A marketing funnel is used to gather information from a person that has found interest in your company but is not convinced to buy a service or product yet. The sales funnel is for a buy know strategy and a marketing funnel is used to get new buyers to your company.

When you market your business to people you are giving them useful information that will help them decide if they want to buy from you. The best way to market a product is not to sell to anyone at all. The focus of a marketing funnel is to share helpful information with people and in turn, gather their information to market to them.

If you have an online nail company and want to get new customers to notice your products you can help people with more information on keeping their nails healthy between polishing them and they will not fill pressured to buy anything. The customer will feel a desire to buy your service once they have satisfied any need-to-know questions.

A marketing funnel also involves awareness, interest and a call to action only without the buy right know stigma. Marketing funnels are also used to keep your old loyal customers by providing them with new content that is helpful, useful, and engaging. Using a marketing funnel will keep you connected with the current people that are already using and buying your services and gain new customers to your business who are seeking more information that is thinking to buy from your company.

Marketing is essential to growing an online business because people are looking to get information about the services they want to buy. It is very important to know your market. A marketing funnel will greatly improve the growth of your company online by allowing the customer to become more knowledgeable about your company.

Website Funnel

A website funnel uses a blog to write blog content of the products and services your company offers. Many influencers who have named themselves as marketing gurus will explain how websites are dead and you only need to depend on a funnel to have a successful business, but I believe as an advocator building a website and creating a funnel that works for the online company you are starting or already have started to go hand and hand.

Not having a website no matter how simple it is to complement your sales funnel is like realizing you have peanut butter but no jelly or ketchup and no mustard. A website funnel is a collection of all your business services and products that tells the story and mission of your company. Your website will make your customers feel that you are being transparent. It will give them the ability to get to know more about you and your company.

Only capturing a bunch of pictures of you and products and services is not enough to keep customers and get new ones. The primary way a website funnel works is through using a blog and SEO. With a website funnel, a blog is your friend. By using the blog on your website you can tell people all about the products you sell almost like a copywriter. SEO is search engine optimization.

When writing your blog with SEO you are targeting customers by what they search for online. When someone searches for products or services online they use phrases that contain keywords. The keywords that are used by the search engine helps find your website online. As you write your blog the title should include the phrases or keywords that will target the customers that are fans of your company and as you write your paragraph you should put the keywords in the sentences you write. The more content you post the better your business will be noticed online.

Lead Generation Funnel

A lead generation funnel is a process of collecting consumer data such as an email, phone number, or social media following to find and create new buying relationships with people. After people share their information with your online business you have gained permission to market to that person. A lead production system nurses a potential buyer through a funnel to help with making a buying decision. Lead funnels have more steps to help people want to buy from your company.

Besides awareness, interest, decision, and a call to action. Lead generation funnels additionally involve name gathering, engaging, making sure leads are qualified, recycling a lead, creating an opportunity, managing information, and keeping a knowledge relationship with people. These extra steps may seem like a lot, but they are not. All the extra steps boil down to one action, creating amazing content. Although there are many people doing the same types of money-making ideas online, the way you attract people is a gift that is unique only to you.

No two people can do the exact same thing quite the same. Name gathering is done through exposing a popup on your website or using a form in an ad. Informative need to know information can engage almost anyone’s intellect. Making sure leads are qualified is an essential step mainly due to factors of spamming.

Unwanted information can cause people to think badly about your company. Some of the leads you may acquire may be interested in what they have learned but do not continue through the funnel process, so recycling a lead is key. Make an opportunity for the leads that show interest in your business to buy from you by advertising. Manage the leads you have by keeping in touch with them through social media or email marketing. The more your company creates up-to-date content the more knowledge people will know about your company.

Now that you have learned more about four common funnels used online you can gather that they are the same yet different in how each funnel. attracts people to buy from companies. With a sales funnel people are told to buy a product or service from the company. A marketing funnel uses the law of attraction to draw in people to like a company. A website funnel is an information provider to help people want to buy from your company. A lead funnel gets people to leave their information and keeps the same process going to gain more new customers and keep existing customers.

How To Create A Funnel

In the beginning of the presentation, I talked about creating your own funnel without recreating the wheel. To create your own funnel you are going to need a website. Your website will be the number one information provider. Also, you will need to create a social media presents. On your social media platform you will create cool content.

There are many social media outlets that can be used. You will also need to advertise. There are two kinds of ads, free advertising and paid. You will have to want your business to succeed more than you want to breathe. That being said I am not going to go into a complete presentation on how to make a website and so forth. I will explain that in another presentation. I will give a quick overview. After all, this presentation is about funnels.

The best way to make a website is free. WordPress is the best website for beginners to start making blog content for your online business. As I said before many gurus will tell you that a website is overrated however what is a landing page but a one-page website with copywriting.

Go to and create a website. You can start from scratch or pick a template and get to work. You can also get free WordPress hosting but only for one year. It is up to you how successful you want to be when making a website. You can also pay for a website and hosting if you have enough money. This is your funnel so you will be the architect for how it turns out. You will need to discipline yourself and create your own ideas about what is going on your website for your online business.

The next step in creating your own funnel is choosing a social media platform that you like to use. Although there are many to choose from using a popularly used social media network makes sense. Imagine if you choose google+ for instance no one really is on the google social media platform that much. In fact, Google has discontinued its use because of that very reason.

Can you imagine building a business present and having it all erased after all the hard work you did? Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are the best social media platforms to use. You can try them all to see which one works best for you or stick with one and get to work with your cool ideas.

No matter how you try to get around it advertising your business is a must. Paid advertising is great for persons who have the money. All social media platforms offer a way for paid advertising. I would suggest starting a budget if you choose to do paid advertising. From my experience, it can be more expensive for paid advertising than the amount of money you will make for your online business. You can choose any advertising platform you want. I like to use Facebook.

The reason is because of organic advertising. Create a page for your business. In order to have a page you also need to have a personal Facebook site. Your personal page must have post about your business, not your personal life. By doing this you will create organic traffic. Making content for your page and personal page that is also from your website blog will create a funnel that will help your online business be successful and all you need to do is create super great content.

The difficulty is not creating a funnel. It is easy to make a social media platform and get a website online. The hard part is going to be you and your ability to do what needs to be done to have a successful online business. I have explained the simplest way to create a funnel online without reinventing the wheel or buying into an already made funnel and it is free.