
Focusing on you means to forget what everyone else wants you to do. You cannot gain success in precisely the same way someone else did. Each card is dealt the same, but a different hand is played. parturient montes,

Every move you make should be about self-preservation. Focusing on you means no one else should take part in the fruits of your labor. Do not focus on other persons wants and desires for you.

Think Smart

Think of one thing that you can do each day that will get you closer to your goal of success and do what it is that you are thinking to complete the goal.

Think Clearly

Take time out and breath. Clear thoughts are better than a cluttered one. It is better not to do anything at all than to complete a total work of darkness.

Life Work

Always create new ways to succeed in life. Work on yourself and learn something that you do not know that will help you with what you are aspiring to.

Run The Course

Let the course run for its self. You will not be in control of all things that will happen along the journey to happiness. Stay the course. It is truly a surprise in what a difference a day makes.

Savoir Faire…

Hard work is not always the answer to success. By focusing on an strategy to complete one goal is how you will be a success at what you like doing. Focus on what it is you want to do and create a plan

Represent Gnosterik T-Shirts

 The brand Gnosterik T-Shirts grew from a passion to change perception. The product conveys the story. Wear the creative thoughts you feel. Think Gnosterik T-Shirts to convey the perception to change.