How Free Writing Can Stop Writers Block

Writing is natural for most people. Telling a story that people want to read is not for the unimaginative. Writing is for the imaginer at heart. The ability to research topics and write them into your own understanding from what you learn becomes a story of art. The ability to write comes from a place deeper than thought. It is almost as if you just know. To write is to feel the words you use to express an emotion. Since every word used by anyone expresses a particular emotion at times, as a writer, it can become difficult to put a thought of feelings into words. When it becomes difficult for a writer to express their emotions, it causes writers’ block.

Free-writing Can Stop Writer’s Block

Free-writing is what you use when your mind becomes blank during the writing process. When you free write, it takes away all the frustration of ensuring all the words are spelled correctly or the punctuation is right. You can say anything you want about a subject without making sense of it until you are ready to make sense of your thinking. Many times you may feel as though you have already said everything, but isn’t that what makes a good writer? When saying the same thing yet still create a different story with each word.

There Are Six Types Of Genre For Writing

  • Descriptive writing paints a picture about a person, place, or thing. With this kind of genre, you use how you think of a person and describe them in an intrinsic way or what it is like to be in the places you have visited. You can think about some of your favorite things.
  • Expository writing is newspaper articles and instruction manuals. It is used when writing academically. Examples of an expository essay are comparisons, quotations, statistics, descriptive details, definitions, charts, and graphs.
  • Persuasive writing attempts to get people to believe in someone’s beliefs or opinions. This kind of writing is excellent for people who want to copy write.
  • Narrative writing is best when starting a book. It involves characterizing the main characters and telling the story surrounding that character. Writing a movie script is good, too, when writing a narrative.
  • Technical writing is keeping a written knowledge about what you have learned while finding new ways to invent new software or finding scientific knowledge to cure disease.
  • Poetic writing expresses emotion on any subject that comes to mind. It is used for music, poems, and free writing.

What Is Your Favorite Writing Style?

One of the best ways to use free-writing for writers’ block is to combine it with what your favorite writing style is. When you free write, it is best to go to a quiet place because all of your ideas about the subject will pour out. If you are in a noisy place, you will have a problem with thinking about what you want to say, and if you are interrupted, you will forget what you wanted to write in the first place. I do not recommend using a free written story as your final draft. When you use this writing style, it is only for yourself. If you find yourself not knowing what to say, think of everything about the subject and read what you have already written in your free writing from the beginning several times to help with your creativity.
You can use free-writing for any style of writing you want to get your emotional thoughts out. If you find it hard to write about the subject you need to write about, do not abandon writing about the topic; instead, write about something you want to write about in another style you wish to. This helps stimulate the mind to write. Then go back to the original subject.

Practicing Free-Writing

There is no need to practice free writing. What makes free writing so great is the ability to have no restrictions on what you write or how you write it. Some things need not be taught but to know that it exists is enough. If you have an excellent thought about what you want to write, then you can free-write.

The main point of freewriting is to align your words with your emotion. Many times there is too much information in your mind at once to express yourself clearly. When you write all those thoughts out your thinking will calm down.

What Causes Writers Block

People live out their lives each day doing things that have nothing to do with their creative minds. Working a job that is systematic and. doing the same thing every day will dull the most creative person. Unpleasantness is the number one cause of writer’s block. Imagine having to deal with being unhappy for any amount of time. It can make it difficult to remember that life is more than only what is given to you by someone else. When you forget the meaning of controlling your own life and stop taking any initiative of your own to be happy this will also block your positivity. Getting sick can take a toll on the mind and the body. One minute you are getting up for the day to write a wonderful well thought out and researched report and the next you are helping your family. All the distractions of the world around you will take you into thinking overload, making it hard to sift through all the clutter in your head to have a clear thought. It could be that you have lost. all passion for what you have always loved to do. Not knowing anything about what you are writing about will block the best writers.

Free Writing Hacks

You are most likely wondering why you would create a free writer’s outline if you are free writing. When you free write, it is best practice to think about all the topics that you want to talk about in your draft. Typing out all the titles first will help guide you through the free writing process. It does not need to be in any order as long as you started writing something. Use each one as a heading to write more about that one subject. Your thoughts will begin to flow out once your mind is focused on writing and not on all the other stuff that caused your writers’ block. Do not go back and change any words when you are free writing because it will interrupt the flow of writing. Wait until you can no longer think of another word to say, then revise the paragraph you have written. This will help you think about what was missing in the words you want to say. Visualize what you are writing about as if you are living it yourself and free-write every thought. Search and read what someone else has said or written about the topic. This will help your original ideas burst into light. Learn more about the information you want to talk about. How can you free-write about or write about something at all if you do not know it exists. Know what your word count goal is. It is nothing worst than writing too little. You will never get the point across.

Free Writing Strategy

The first person that used free-writing was a man named Peter Elbow. In 1973 he thought it was a great strategy to write without stopping so the writer wouldn’t forget what to write and control the actual flow of words. He figured this way, all the writer’s good ideas would be written before the need to correct them grammatically. Free-writing is also called Automatic writing because it is said that it is like being psychic, which is an ability for a writer to be able to write the written word without consciously knowing the words written. The ultimate goal of free-writing is to brainstorm a draft with all of the best ideas you can think of about the topic you want to write. Then you can revise what you have written to make it better to understand by editing the entire thought to end up with a final draft. Freeform writing is the same as free-writing. Both writing styles have the same meaning.

Writing freely can help with more than writers’ block. You can use writing to help with mental illnesses. It can help people talk about things that bother them internally without finding someone they trust to divulge their issues. The most important thing about free-writing is that everyone can do it, and if you do it enough, you can be an exceptional writer.